Friday, October 23, 2015

The right on time PRIME post

Hej Fourthlandian Parents (that is Swedish for hello!)

This week was a hard week of learning. We kept busy and here is what we were up to.

In Writing, we continued to write our stories. We thought about how dialogue should be meaningful and not just filler. We also thought about how action, dialogue and description can really bring our writing to life.

In Reading, we started a new Short Story Unit. We read Pobody's Nerfect and The Goodness of Matt Keisar. We practiced reacting to the character of Mia in Pobody's Nerfect who is sad because all of her "supposed" friends don't come to her birthday party. She eventually learns that her true friend is Paolo. The Goodness of Matt Kaiser is about a boy who's not very good. We haven't finished it yet (except for one of our bloggers, she read ahead!). We learned about our characters by tuning into Action, Dialogue, Description, and the Reactions of other characters.

In Social Studies, we are wrapping up our study of the North East. Our trivia game is on Monday and most of us are feeling prepared.

In Math we are studying multiplication and have learned a lot of math vocabulary. We've learned about prime numbers, composite numbers, square numbers, factors, products, and multiples. We also started practicing our facts with fact triangles.

Streganona, Fern, and Amelia Bedelia

In other news, Tuesday was "Dress Like a Character Day." Here is a picture of those of us who dressed up and our teachers in their costumes:

And it was Nathan's birthday! Evan's mom also came in to teach us about Veterans and next week, we are going to write them letters :) Finally, tomorrow is the Halloween Bash. We hope to see you there!

Have a nice weekend!
Neah, Shira, Samantha and guest blogger, Matt

Friday, October 16, 2015

Two weeks away and we're back!

Hola Fourthlandian Families!

This week was a short week because of the holiday. We haven’t blogged for two weeks because school was cancelled on Friday. We’ve been busy though and here is an update.

In Writing Workshop, we have started writing our stories with action and dialogue. We’ve been working to bring our characters to life so that they seem real (and not like cardboard). We also looked at the leads from some professional writers and noticed how they hook their readers. We are trying to do the same in our stories.

In Reading, we took the first and second part of the GATES assessment. We liked the vocabulary section better because it took less time than the comprehension section. We also worked to learn twelve power verbs by reading Ron’s Big Mission and Harvesting Hope, The Story of Ceasar Chavez. Here is a picture of the twelve verbs that can help us think deeply about our reading.

In Math, we took a unit assessment on subtraction, place value, and line plots. We started a new unit on multiplication and learned about Function Machines. We learned about a new piece of homework to master our multiplication facts. We have to study them for 20 minutes a week but we got to decide how we would study. Some of us took a fact test to see if we already know our multiplication facts.

In other news, we  earned twelve minutes of extra recess today and our first afternoon recess (from earning stars). We had Town Meeting this week and we talked about how we could create Fourthlandian money and get paid for our jobs. We are excited for that. It was also Shira, Matt, and Ms. Catlin’s birthdays. To the left is a picture of our birthday peeps. Also, we finally started using our backjack chairs (with a row of us in chairs) Below is a picture of us learning in them.

Shira, Neah, & Ryan

Friday, October 2, 2015

First Full Week Back in Fourthlandian


How ya doin?! This week was a very busy and tiring week. Here is an update on everything we did in Fourthlandian!

In Math, we plotted the length of our feet on a line plot. We also practiced different strategies for addition. We did the partial sums method and some of us learned the column addition method. Later in the week, we practiced subtraction with the trade first method. Here is a picture of what the trade first method looks like ----->

In Reading, we worked up to 17 minutes of stamina. Here is a picture of what it looks like to read with stamina (thanks to two of our bloggers for being the models).

We also learned a way to respond to our reading called CER. The C stands for Claim, the E stands for Evidence and the R stands for Reasoning. We are going to practice writing CER reading responses again next week.

In Writing this week we continued to plan our Realistic Fiction Stories. We developed our character's traits thinking about what they look like and the character traits they have. We were reminded how to use the graphic organizer of a story arc to plan our stories.

In other news, we got our Fourthlandian Jobs! We can't list all of them because there are TOO MANY but we're super excited!!!! We signed our job contracts and thought about the things we need to do to do our jobs well. We also started a new star chart where we earn stars that will count towards bigger rewards and afternoon recess. Finally, we celebrated Nate's Birthday.

Your Official Bloggers
Shira, Samantha and Neah

PS We are starting Homework next week. Yay!