Friday, March 11, 2016

Warm Weather Week

Dear Friends and Families,

This week was a wicked cool week filled with learning. Here is what we've been up to:

In Reading, we continued WIN block and The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963. We started learning more about the character of Byron and how he's not just a bully, he's also sensitive at times. He accidentally killed a bird and was really upset by it. Kenny was kind of confused how is brother who was so tough could have reacted that way.

In Math, we started another problem-solving unit around a field trip and fractions. Students had to figure out whether submarine sandwiches split between different sized groups would be fair or not. They presented their thinking in a math congress.

In Social Studies, we learned about the Greensboro Sit-ins and the Freedom Riders. We read the book Freedom on the Menu and thought about the different forms of non-violent protest that happened during the Civil Rights Movement. We watched a film and students were very thoughtful listeners given that the material was pretty advanced. Students understood that the Freedom Riders were purposefully breaking the law in Southern states to draw attention to the injustice of it all.

In other news, students prepared for their Student Led Conferences. The first round of students have presented and we are so proud of their presentation skills and their growth this year.

Until next week,
Ms. Lee, Ms. Swaim, Ms. Wilder, & Ms. Avellino

Friday, March 4, 2016

It's March!

Hello Fourthlandian Families!

Today was an energetic and active week. Here is what we have been up to:

In Math, we continued to learn about shapes in our geometry unit. We created a Polygon Family Tree to think about the categories of shapes and understand, for example, that a square is also a parallelogram and a quadrilateral. Here is a picture of the Polygon Family. We also took our Unit Test and will start a new unit on Monday.

In Reading, we finished Fig Pudding. It ended in a really funny scene involving...can you guess? Fig pudding! We all laughed a lot. Then we started a new book called, The Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963. It goes along with our study of the Civil Rights Movement which is pretty cool.

In Social Studies we are still learning about the Civil Rights Movement. We learned about the Little Rock Nine and Ruby Bridges and how they were brave and integrated schools long after Brown vs. the Board of Education. We also went on a field trip to the John F. Kennedy Museum/Library. We learned a lot about The March on Washington and even got to do a mini-march of our own. There were a ton of teenagers watching us which was weird. Here are some pictures.


Have a great weekend, readers!
Matt & Ms. Swaim