Friday, September 18, 2015

Another Week Back in Fourthlandia


This was another four day week. We kept pretty busy with writing and math and more writing. Here is what we were up to this week:

In writing, we had to write a story in 45 minutes. It was called an On Demand. We did it so our teachers can see what we know as writers at the start of fourth grade.

We also started figuring out what jobs we need to make our classroom run smoothly. So far we've come up with the Blogger, the Teachers Helper, the Water Bottle Filler Upper and many more. This is just the beginning and next we're going to think of funny names for our Fourthlandian jobs.

This week, we narrowed our rules down to five of the most important ones. Here is a picture of the class rules that we all signed -------->

In reading, we had a guest teacher, the new Literacy Teacher, Mrs. DeFelice. She taught us how to pick a just right book and about what shoes you should wear to walk a dog. She compared choosing two shoes to choosing books. The strategy was called I PICK. P for purpose (why are we reading, I for interesting (are we interested in reading it), C for comprehension (whether we understand it), and K for know (whether we know most of the words).

We also practiced building our reading our stamina and opened our classroom library. Our record is 16 minutes with 24 kids following all the expectations while reading.

Mrs. Harold also visited our classroom and talked to us about being leaders rather than followers.

There feels like there is much more to say, but we have to pack up. It's Friday!

Have a fun weekend!

Till next time,
Your Fourthlandian Bloggers (Billy, Samantha, Matt, Shira, and Justin)

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