Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Not So White Winter

Wassup human beings!

This week was a short and hectic week. Here is what we've been up to:

In Writing, we are trying to free-write on lots of different topics to inspire our essay-writing. We looked at a 4th grader's free-writing from last year and noticed how he wrote on the topic of friendship for more than a page. We practiced writing our own entries and pushed our thinking with prompts like "an example of this is" and "to add on..."

In Math, we took our Unit 5 Math Assessment. We also spent today building snow-people. The parts of the snow people (like their noses, buttons, hats brooms) weighed different amounts and had different prices. We weren't allowed to spend more than $25 and it couldn't weigh more than 50 pounds. Here is a picture of the snow-people we eventually built:

In Reading, we read the biography, Miss Moore Thought Otherwise about a woman who got children's rooms in libraries. We also read, As Good As Anybody about Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Social Studies we finally got to do an activity on the Everglades in Florida. We were each assigned an animal or thing in the Everglades and then we worked to figure out how we were all connected. Here is a picture of the web we created.

We also had our final round of Non-traditional Homework Presentations. Here are all their pictures:


We hope you all have a great Winter Vacation!
See you in 2016!

Your bloggers,
Shira, Samantha, Billy, Matt, and Lena (and Ms. Swaim, the typer)

Merry Christmas and a belated Hannukah

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