Friday, December 4, 2015

The Great Visit

Hello Fourthlandian Families!

This week was a busy and action-packed week because we had a long holiday weekend. Here is some of what we did:

In Math, we took a unit test and our 4s multiplication fact test. Some of us took our 9s and a 50 fact test. We also learned a lot about decimals before our unit test (how to add them, subtract them and plot them on a number line). We did A LOT of practice before taking the test.

In Reading we finished our unit of study on Short Stories. We learned about theme and how it is the heart of the story, and the message that the author really wants you to know. We read Fly Away Home which was a sad story about a boy who lives with his dad in an airport.

In Writing, we took an on-demand to finish up our realistic fiction unit. We also started opinion writing on topics of our choice. Next week we are going to learn about essay writing and will choose topics we REALLY care about. Ms. Swaim is going to be writing about how dogs make the best pets. 

In Social Studies, we started studying the South East region of the US. We labeled maps of the region and started South East study guides to learn about the land and resources of the region.

In other news, we had our first round of Non-traditional Homework presentations. They were really good and we have a lot of pictures of the presenters:



We also had author and illustrator, Kevin Hawkes visit. He was AWESOME and showed us how he draws and illustrates books. Here are some pictures:

Goodbye and see you soon!
Samantha, Shira, Matt, and Ms. Swaim

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